What is Somatic Experiencing?

Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a body-oriented approach to deal with trauma. It was developed by Dr Peter Levine and is based on the assumption that traumatic experiences are often ‘stuck’ in the nervous system and are not fully processed. This can lead to physical and emotional symptoms such as stress, anxiety, sleep disorders or tension.

SE focuses on releasing these unresolved stress reactions in the body and restoring the natural balance. It is about helping the body to do what it could not do originally: to release and process the stress-related energy.

How does Somatic Experiencing work?

Unlike many other therapeutic approaches, which work mainly through dialogue, SE focuses on the sensations in the body. This means that together we pay attention to subtle body reactions and take small steps to gently regulate the nervous system. This happens in a safe and controlled space where you can feel comfortable at all times.

A typical SE process could look like this

  1. directing attention to the body: together we observe how your body reacts to certain thoughts or memories.
  2. gentle exploration: Instead of going straight into the traumatic experience, we work with small impulses that allow the body to gradually release tension and stress.
  3. natural self-regulation: The body has an amazing ability to regulate itself. SE supports this natural process without overtaxing the person concerned.

Who is SE suitable for?

Somatic Experiencing is suitable for people who are suffering from the effects of trauma, chronic stress or other stresses. It is often used for the following issues

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Anxiety and panic disorders
  • Chronic pain or psychosomatic complaints
  • Emotional blockages or feelings of being overwhelmed

SE can be used in addition to other forms of therapy or as a stand-alone approach. People who feel ‘stuck’ or disconnected from their body can particularly benefit from SE.

How long does the therapy last?

The duration of SE therapy varies from person to person and depends on the needs and pace of the client. Sometimes just a few sessions are enough to experience noticeable relief, in other cases a longer process may be appropriate.

How long does the therapy take?

The duration of SE therapy varies from person to person and depends on the needs and pace of the client. Sometimes just a few sessions are enough to experience noticeable relief, in other cases a longer process may be appropriate.

What does an SE session feel like?

An SE session is often gentle and respectful of the body and emotions. You are actively involved in the process at all times and set the pace. The aim is to create a feeling of safety and self-efficacy while old stresses are released step by step.